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Workplace Skills Assessment Program (WSAP)

The Workplace Skills Assessment Program (WSAP) is an integral part of Business Professionals of America.  The goal of the program is to provide all business students with the opportunity to demonstrate workplace skills learned through business education curricula.  Secondary and Middle Level students may participate in a total of two events, only one of which may be a team event. Additionally, a student may compete in an unlimited number of Open or Virtual Events within the time constraints of the conference program. Competitive events are offered at the regional, state, and national level in the following categories:


  • Finance

  • Business Administration

  • Management Information Systems

  • Digital Communication & Design

  • Management, Marketing & Communication


The WSAP Guide contains the guidelines for each event.  You begin competing at the regional level in New Mexico.  State qualifiers advance to the State Leadership Conference (SLC) held in Albuquerque in February.  At the SLC, those placing as national qualifiers advance to the National Leadership Conference (NLC), held in late April or early May.


Click to download the Complete WSAP Guidelines


Content of the Guidelines

The WSAP Guidelines (Guidelines) contain general information for all events as well as specific details regarding eligibility, equipment use, scoring, etc. The information in the Guidelines is essential for members participating at the Regional, State and National Leadership Conferences.


Purpose of the Guidelines

The purpose of the Guidelines is to provide as much information as possible to help prepare students for a successful experience at the Regional, State and National Leadership Conferences (NLC).


The Guidelines regulate all national Workplace Skills Assessment Events. New Mexico will follow the Guidelines as posted by the national center. 


Regional Conference - You will need to check with your Regional Advisor for deadlines and the process for contests requiring pre-submitted materials. 


State Leadership conference -- Deadlines and the process for pre-submitted materials will be posted in the Registration packet for the state conference.


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